The luxury of Time

MIND: the mind as a place of perception, balance and well-being.
TIME: time as a new contemporary luxury. The necessary dimension to take care of yourself, living in the present.

“Mind the Time” sums up everything we believe in well. Take care of your time, make sure it's of quality: it's the most precious asset you own, the only one you can't stop or recover.

The head in the center

Anyone who considers them as separate entities is making a serious mistake: face, scalp and hair are a single and interconnected system.

The head, the seat of the mind, is in fact the place for processing emotions, focusing and maintaining well-being.

We want to take care of the head, as the focus and command center of psychophysical well-being.

Instinct, emotion and reason in equilibrium

According to MacLean, every man is endowed with three brains which, working on different levels and in different situations, contribute to creating his character. Reptilian, limbic and neocortex : activate the different areas of instinctemotion and reason .

Sinesia aims to restore the balance between these three levels thanks to a holistic approach that takes into account the characteristics of each of them: the protagonist is the head, both in terms of aesthetics and psycho-emotional well-being.

We do this thanks to the correct combination of products, gestures, massages and practices designed to achieve and maintain this state of pleasant balance.

Sinesia's DNA

The manifesto, our values ​​and the certifications we have obtained for our products.Our DNA.